The thyroid is an endocrine (hormone-secreting) gland that is in charge of multiple bodily functions. The entire blood supply of the body passes through the thyroid every 17 minutes. In the grand scheme of things, it’s a pretty important little gland. Sadly, it’s also one that fails on an alarmingly frequent level. The #4 most prescribed drug in the U.S. is for thyroid dysfunction.
Body Clues: I have many clients who have come into my office with many, if not all, of the physical signs of thyroid malfunction – even if they are currently taking thyroid medication and their blood tests are “normal”. Here are some signs that your thyroid MAY be on the fritz.
- Cold hands and feet
- Dry skin
- Scalloping along the sides of the tongue
- The outer third of the eyebrows is thin or missing
- Dry hair or hair loss
- Trouble focusing
- Weight Issues
- Heart palpitations
- Prone to yeast/candida infections (systemic or local – athletes foot, thrush, vaginal yeast infections, etc.)
- Weak, brittle nails
Newsflash: since such a vast number of Americans have thyroid issues, you probably don’t want to be “normal”. In some cases, even though there seems to be plenty of thyroid hormones floating around, your body may not be using them properly.
Holistically: In order to address thyroid issues, one should look beyond the blood and look at the person. Do they have many of the signs listed above? Consider things like diet (cholesterol is used to synthesize many hormones, so some vegans may struggle with hormone synthesis), mineral intake (zinc, selenium, and iodine play large roles in thyroid function), digestion, and of key importance – adrenal function.
Options: Going it alone can sometimes cause more harm than good. It is important to work with someone who has knowledge in the subject. There are nutritional, herbal, and homeopathic products to support the endocrine system and lifestyle changes can make a big difference too.
If the list above sounds like you, consider consulting with a wellness professional to work on determining the cause and creating an action plan that works for you.